Library Catalogues & Bookstores

Library Catalogues

Most large libraries have replaced their card catalogues with online electronic catalogues. If you have not already done so, contact your local libraries and ask how you can access their electronic catalogues.

The card catalog was a familiar sight to library users for generations, but it has been effectively replaced by the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). Some still refer to the online catalog as a "card catalog", but this is incorrect. Some libraries with OPAC access still have card catalogs on site, but these are now strictly a secondary resource and are seldom updated.

"The Library Index" is a comprehensive list of worldwide library catalogues online.


Amazon is the most established bookseller on the internet. You can search their collection with this excellent search utility to find books, videos, prints, folios and even antique books on auction.

Many other bookstores and publishers have virtual outlets on the web. You can visit them using Bookwire a long established hierarchical site dedicated to finding books on the internet.


The Art History Research Centre is produced by Leif Harmsen.